1. To carry on the business of procurement of agricultural produce such as exotic and cole
vegetables and other commodities, processing, grading, packing, marketing and trading of the
processed agriculture produce as an important livelihood activity for rural women in the
2. To undertake value addition measures for an increased level of optimum processing in the
Unit established for the same and maintaining the required National and International norms &
Standards in the processing, grading and packing for obtaining the required Certification for
Export & trade business. It will include Import & hire of goods and services in all forms, for
the benefit of the members.
3. To maintain and purchase all required machinery & vehicles for the processing, grading,
packing, transporting marketing and trading of the processed agriculture produce. And to sell
or supply farm machinery, equipment or consumables mainly to the members as well as to non
4. To render technical services, consultancy services, training, research and development and
all other activities for the welfare and promotion of the interests of its members.
5. To enable producers to get insurance for themselves, their family members, employees, and
for their machinery and other productive assets as also for their primary produce.
6. To promote the techniques of mutuality and mutual assistance, including thrift and savings
among member and collaboration & linkage with similar organizations.
7. To undertake any welfare measures or provide facilities for the benefit of the members, as
decided by the Board.
8. To finance the production, procurement, processing, marketing and other activities
mentioned above, including the extension of credit facilities or any other manner of financial
services to the members of the company.
9. Any other activity ancillary or incidental to any of the above mentioned activities (1-9) or
other activities, which promote the principles of mutuality and mutual assistance amongst the
members in any other manner.
10. The objects of the company shall not be confined to only one state and they shall extend to
the whole of India and outside India also.