Faecal Sludge Treatment plants in Ketty and Adhigaratty panchayats in Nilgiris District. KRRP and ARRP
The Rural Development Organization have put up 2 Faecal Sludge Treatment Plants (FSTP) for safe disposal of faecal sludge.
The plants named Ketty Resource Recovery Park (KRRP) and Adhiragatty Resource Recovery park (ARRP) are two panchayats in the Nilgiris
This sludge is mixed with wet waste collected from the households in the Panchayats. Twenty percent of compost produced from human waste is mixed with wet waste. This mixture is placed in “windrows” and after a period of time – normally around 45 days it decomposes into co-compost.

This co-compost is distributed among the vegetable farmers at a very nominal price. Ten tons of co compost is produced monthly by the Organization.
The results have been very encouraging. According to the farmers, their yield has gone up by 20%.
In the past the honeysuckers who collected the faecal sludge from household septic tanks threw it in rivers, lakes and other water beds causing tremendous destruction to the environment. In addition, this faecal sludge was instrumental in poisoning the water bodies in the Nilgiris.

The RDO trust on its part met with these honey-sucker operators and persuaded them to drop off the sludge in the 2 FSTP’s.