Advocacy and lobbying
RDO advocates and lobbies with the local, state, and central Governments on various issues affecting the rural masses. RDO is playing a key role in providing basic amenities and infrastructure facilities in villages such as houses, schools, roads, water, sanitation, etc. Due to the representation made with the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, the Government enhanced the training allowance to SHG women from ` Rs7.50 to Rs 45 per day. More than six million women in Tamil Nadu are benefiting under the scheme.
RDO’s Founder N.K. Perumal is appointed as a member of the General Assembly of Aide et Action International, France. The Government of Tamil Nadu has appointed Mr. Perumal as Chairman of Tamil Nadu State Volunteer Resource Centre and Director of Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women.
Advocacy and Lobbying is an important aspect of the functioning of organizations working for the upliftment of the poorest sections of the society. RDO Trust has been actively associated with advocating and lobbying the Government to introduce various programs. RDO Trust has been successful in bringing together 243 grassroots level Volunteer Organizations, in campaigning to enact the Maharashtra pattern of Employment Guarantee Act. It is a matter of great pride for us that the late Prime Minister Shri. Rajiv Gandhi had released audio/video visuals, produced by RDO Trust, in the presence of over one million people, in Rajapalayam in 1988
Our hectic lobbying had ensured the Government of Tamilnadu introduce the Employment Assurance Scheme. Again it is our active role that has ensured that thousands of Dalit and tribal families are prevented from being evicted.
Again, it is our active role that has ensured that thousands of Dalit & Tribal families are prevented from being evicted from several villages by the forest department and revenue officials.